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We’re proud to introduce the Quorum Cyber UK General Election Cyber Threats report, a comprehensive analysis of the potential cyber threats aiming to compromise the integrity of the upcoming UK General Election scheduled for the 4th of July.

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Our world is more connected than ever before, and as technology advances, so do the threats that come with it. Cyber threats have become an integral part of the political landscape, capable of influencing public opinion, destabilising governments and disrupting democratic processes.

In this report, we delve deep into the world of cybercrime, examining the vast and diverse potential cyber threats to the UK General Election. We identify state-sponsored actors, primarily from Russia and China, as the highest risk.

These cybercriminals are expected to employ a variety of tactics ranging from AI tools to influence campaigns to effectively target the electoral process, government sector, political parties, and personal devices of officials. Their goal? To criticise candidates, amplify societal divisions and sow discord amongst citizens.

Gain invaluable insights into their strategies and tactics. Understand their potential impact and how they could shape our future.


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