You are here: Home / Clarity update: revamped dashboard and automated notifications

In last month’s newsletter, we shared some exciting navigation and menu option updates to our customer platform Clarity. This month, we’re excited to announce two new updates with our upcoming releases.


Introducing our new Landing Dashboard

We’re thrilled to roll out our latest update to Clarity’s landing dashboard from 1 May 2024. This spruced-up landing dashboard is designed to show you the current status, alongside reporting and trend information related to the services Quorum Cyber provide you with.

We want to ensure you have the most intuitive and helpful tools at your fingertips, and this update is a big step in that direction.

Here’s what’s new and how it’s going to make your experience better…

Crystal-Clear Status

Ever felt lost tracking what’s happening with the incidents you need to action? We’ve got you covered. Our new dashboard layout provides crystal-clear visibility into incidents in three essential categories:

  • Currently in Customer Action: Instantly see which incidents require your attention.
  • In Progress by Quorum Cyber: Track what we’re handling for you, without lifting a finger.
  • Recently Resolved: Easily see which incidents have recently been remediated and closed.

Enhanced Visualisations

Dive deeper into your incident management process with our enhanced visualisations feature. Now, you can effortlessly track incidents over time through intuitive graphs and charts. Visualising your incident landscape over weeks, months, or even years has never been easier or more insightful. We’ve also updated the visualisations for Root Cause Overview and Resolution Overview.


Updated Metrics Table

We believe in empowering you with data. Our updated metrics table now includes:

  • Mean Time to Respond: Understand how quickly incidents are being addressed across the time range you’ve selected
  • Mean Time to Handle: Get insights into the average resolution time.
  • Number of Times Delegated Authority Was Taken: Keep track of how often you’ve had to step in.
  • And more: We’ve packed in additional metrics to give you a comprehensive view of the service we’re delivering to you.

Compare Date Ranges for Trend Reporting

Our brand new feature allows you to compare date ranges for a dynamic insight into your incident management trends. Wondering if your mean response time has improved from last quarter? Or if we’re taking action delegated authority more frequently? With our comparison feature, you’ll have all the trends at your fingertips, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Introducing Notifications from Clarity

Secondly, we are very excited to introduce our next product release, designed to enhance your experience and improve our communication efficiency! We know that many of you have been asking for improvements to the automated notifications you receive, especially the ability to configure your own notification preferences and settings so that you can manage and adjust them independently, in real-time. We are now adding capability in Clarity which lets you manage how you are informed about any cyber incidents which requires your attention. This will ensure you are notified straight away so that you can review and provide commentary on the incident, meaning we are able to resolve it quicker. With a few easy clicks, you can add the contacts you want us to send notification emails to, while also defining which priority incidents to notify them about. That way, the next time our Security Operations Centre needs your input on an incident, you can make sure the right people are informed straight away and can take action.

Our new notifications capability will be rolled out gradually from the 6 May 2024.

How does it work?

  1. Under Organisation Settings, you’ll find our new ‘Notification settings’ where you can create or edit contacts, who will receive email notifications for any incidents we need you to provide input on. The contacts you configure do not need to be users in Clarity, but the email which we send to them will link them to Clarity for further detail.
  2. You can define which incident priority you want each contact to be informed of.
  3. You can specify a pre-fix or post-fix to the subject line of the notification email to enable you to automatically generate a ticket in your internal ITSM tool from the notification email.
  4. Our default recommendation is to include minimum detail on our notification emails, and pointing you to Clarity to see further detail.
  5. Once set-up, the next time we need your input on an incident you’ll get a clear and concise email with a link to the incident in Clarity, and we will send you regular reminders if we don’t hear back from you with what we need to resolve the incident.

This marks the first of a series of planned features for notifications, and we hope you’ll enjoy adding new notification contacts!


We’re excited about these updates, but our work here is never done. Your feedback is important to us, so please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts, suggestions.